Manuel Ojea Rúa es Catedrático de Orientación Educativa (3492563057A0511), Doctor en Psicología- Pedagogía por la Universidad de Vigo. Pertenece al Grupo Investigación PS1 de Psicología de la Universidad de Vigo. Presidente del Instituto- Autismo (CIF: G-44568509). Es autor de 55 libros y 211 artículos en revistas científícas nacionales e internacionales. Especializado en neuropsicología del desarrolo. Colegiado nº GX05862. ORCID: MAIL:
Sunday, 31 March 2024
Thursday, 28 March 2024
Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnostic Scale- Revised.
European Journal of Theoretical and Applied Sciences, 2(2), 382-395.
The diagnostic conclusions were based on the gaussian curve found from the typical scores obtained from the direct scores obtained in the ten dimensions of the analysis, made up of three dimensional categories, whose percentage weighting is as follows: 1) the procedural category (60%), 2) the social dimensional category (20%), and 3) the behavioural dimensional category (20%), the overall sum of which allows the diagnostic conclusions of the disorder to be drawn, both at a general level and according to the specific level of ASD. The percentage levels are justified by the empirical studies of the study. Thus, the stepwise linear regression analysis carried out includes two dimensions corresponding to the procedural category as basic predictors of the disorder: I) semantic retrieval (Beta: .90, R2: .82), and II) relationship between retrieval (Beta: .57) and interconcepts or relationships (R2: .82). 57) and interconcepts or relationships between information (Beta: .35), being the overall constant (Beta: .92, R2: .84), ahead of the social or behavioural dimensions, which supports the importance of the procedural dimension, especially related to the development of nodes or relationships between information content in determining the specific criteria for the diagnosis of ASD.