Tuesday, 13 December 2022



PhD. Manuel Ojea Rúa 

DOI: 10.1177/1362361319885215



This article analyzes the relationship between symptomatic groups that make up the diagnosis of people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and the motor structure themselves to design a global intervention program facilitating integrated psychosocial development.

A total of 28 participants with ASD participated in this experimental study. Correlation analysis observed to three variables- dimensions: diagnostic, cognition and psychomotor variables show significant data regarding interactions between to three dimensions statistically calculated. So variables of diagnostic dimension correlate with cognitive variables (r= .896) and with psychomotor dimension (r= 682). Likewise, cognitive dimension correlate significantly with motor dimension (r= .766). Finally, it´s designed an integral systemic psychoeducational program to facilitate global development of people with ASD.


Psychomotor skills, cognitive- perceptive, social communication, autism spectrum disorder.


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