Tuesday 9 August 2022


 Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME, e-ISSN: 2320–7388, p- ISSN: 2320-737x ,Volume 12, Issue 4 Ser. II (Jul. – Aug. 2022), 48-53. 

Differential Analysis of Diagnostic Dimensions Regarding To Level of the Autism Spectrum Disorder

Ojea, M. (2022)


Weighted sum of scores found over behavioral and perceptual-cognitive dimensions allow set to specific differential diagnosis with high reliability rating for currently three levels of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Indeed, a total of 124 people with ASD have participated in this study, 81 with ASD level- 1, 25 with ASD level2 and 18 with ASD level- 3 to aim the observations along six basic dimensions that make up disorder basic diagnosis: development, communication, interaction, behavior, attention and cognition. Differential data found by means of t test for independent samples allows conclude there´re significant differences relating the ASD level. Therefore it´s possible establish differential averages for each ASD level beginning p frequencies analysis regarding to total means, being ASD level- 1: between 5.77 and 7.88, ASD level- 2: between 7.89 and 9.01 and ASD level- 3: ≥ 9.02. 


Autism Spectrum Disorder, Perception- Cognition, ASD´ levels, DSM-5.


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