Wednesday 6 December 2023



Prof. Dr. Manuel Ojea 


Tuesday 21 November 2023


M. Ojea (2023)


The initial sensory- attention perceptual processing in people with autism spectrum disorder forms a global analysis, but semantic content is limited, therefore, they need to complete their semantic understanding, through second analysis with purpose to encode a greater number of local details, units and/ or conceptual categories. This cognitive action developed through relational connections with concepts previously stored in permanent memory (semantic memory). Study has been designed a qualitative- quantitative triangulated way. The qualitative analysis is based on a textual- conceptual perceptual and visual-perceptual study, while the quantitative analysis has been achieved through non- parametric statistical comparative tests regarding to the grouped variable: “participants”. A total of 10 participants have collaborated in this study, 5 neurotypical participants and 5 participants with autism spectrum disorder, aged between 16-17 years old. The comparative analysis allows delimit partial differential aspects throughout study variables, according to participants´ group variable and, hence, the development of a new cognitive- perceptive theory of specific propositional processing to people with autism: Global Cyclic Theory has been concluded. 

KeywordsAutism spectrum disorder, Attention-cognition-perception, Semantic memory, Conceptual propositional theory.


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Wednesday 25 October 2023


(En Prensa: La Región, 25-10-2023)

(In Press: La Region, 10-25-2023)

Thursday 5 October 2023


publicación galega sobre o trastorno do espectro do autismo, 27, outubro, 2023.

Prof. Dr. Manuel Ojea Rúa (pp. 27-35)

Monday 18 September 2023



Manuel Ojea (setiembre, 2023)

Comunidad Valenciana: Editorial Club Universitario





Teléfono: 965676133

Wednesday 19 July 2023



Interrelation of the Psychomotor System and the Cognitive Relational Process on Academic Performance in People with Autism Spectrum Disorder

1PhD Manuel Ojea Rúa,2Prof. Inmaculada Rodríguez Borrajo


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a highly heterogeneous specific feature of neurodevelopment, whose general characteristics are defined by two basic dimensions: 1) deficits of communication and social interaction and 2) restrictive and stereotyped behaviours. Both dimensions are complemented by empirical evidence of the highly significant relationships of a predictive kind with the psychomotor functioning, which becomes most evident over development. Just, this research tries to answer to the following general goals: 1) examine the application of specific programs relating to development of basic psychomotor skills in students with several levels of ASD, age and sex, and 2) delimit the incidence of cognitive relationships between the concepts and learning categories. A total of 99 students have participated in this study, distributed according to ASD level, age and sex. Data have been analysed through the Univariate ANOVA Between-Subjects Effects Test. Results show that both the intersection of psychomotor and cognitive variables (critical sig: .00), as well variables separately (psychomotricity: .00, and relationship: .00), significantly affect to academic performance of students with ASD. Therefore, it can be concluded that relational cognitive components and psychomotor development are essential to facilitate the development of learning in people with ASD, whose R2 of explicative variance is significantly high: .913, being the adjusted R2 level: 86.3%. The influence of the fixed variables interactions: ASD level, age and sex have also been studied.


Autism Spectrum Disorder. Psychomotricity. Perceptive- Cognitive- Nodal Relationship. Conceptual and Categories. Academic Performance.


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Friday 2 June 2023

Psychometric Validation of the ASC-ASD Anxiety Scale in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Psychometric Validation of the ASC-ASD Anxiety Scale inChildren with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Elsa M. Castañeda Mikrukova (PGDip) Autonomous University of Barcelona.

PhD. Manuel Ojea Rúa University of Vigo.


The knowledge, diagnosis and treatment of clinical anxiety in people considered within the autism spectrum is a challenge since most of the instruments are designed based on research variables for people outside the autism spectrum. A total of 91 parents of children between 6 and 18 years of age, diagnosed with ASD in Metropolitan Lima participated in this study. In this sense, the general objective of this study is the validation of the anxiety scale: ANXIETY SCALE FOR CHILDREN WITH ASD (ASC ASD-P) in relation to anxious behaviors in people with ASD. The results show a significant validity of the Scale content; however, there are discrepancies in the allocation of reagents to the corresponding dimensions. The Exploratory Factor Analysis and the Alpha Values of Anxiety present the following data: 1) Anxiety due to Uncertainty (McDonald’s: .86 and Cronbach's Alpha: .85); 2) Performance Anxiety (McDonald’s: .81 and Cronbach's Alpha: .81); 3) Anxious Arousal (0.86 McDonald’s: .86 and Cronbach's Alpha: .8). Separation anxiety is excluded from the analysis due to its low factor value. These data allow us to affirm that the scale to evaluate the presence of ASC-ASD clinical anxiety, parent version, has adequate psychometric properties for the predictive measurement of anxiety in people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). 

Keywords: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Clinical Anxiety, Anxiety Scale Validation.


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Monday 29 May 2023



Manuel Ojea Rúa
Elsa M. Castañeda Mikrukova


From the behavioural perspective, the specific diagnosis of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), was categorized by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th of the DSM-V-TR of American Psychiatric Association (2013) and also the International Classification of Diseases, 11th. from World Health Organization (2018). Both classifications have indicated it specific behavioural construct associated with its diagnosis, defined by a whole of socio- behavioural deficits; however, it is need to have added that cognitive-perceptive symptomatic groups are the direct cause and consequence of the behavioural particularity in people with ASD. For this reason, in this study has raised like general aim to analyse the effectiveness of the application of an integrated cognitive-behavioural systemic program to improve behaviours in people with ASD. The research study has been designed a quasi-experimental analysis of three groups with two pre-test and posttest measures. The groups are made up by: 1) an experimental group of 4 students with ASD (n= 4), which the integrated global systemic program was applied, 2) a control group-1, composed of 4 students with ASD, who have followed an A-B behavioural program (Stimulus-Response), and 3) a third control group-2, also made up of 4 students with ASD, who have followed several usual behaviours of modification programs (N= 12). Results found from means of non-parametric Kruskal Wallis Test (K-W), have showed the effectiveness of global integrated program implemented to experimental group, which has founded highly significant critical differential indices, regarding other two control 1-2 groups. Likewise, the bivariate correlations between behavioural dimension and cognitive-perceptive factors of processing are calculated and shown. 

KEYWORDS: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Global Systemic Intervention, Cognitive- Behavioural Attention. 


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Saturday 27 May 2023



La Voz de Galicia Ourense, 27-5-2023

"Ourense cuenta desde esta semana con un nuevo recurso de atención a personas con trastorno del espectro autista. El colectivo está impulsado desde el ISIC Tea, un instituto social de investigaciones científicas en el área del autismo que comenzó a funcionar el pasado mes de enero en Ourense bajo la batuta del profesor, psicólogo y psicopedagogo Manuel Ojea. Esa entidad sin ánimo de lucro nació para sumar esfuerzos y fomentar la cooperación de los investigadores que trabajan en ese campo. «Deuse a circunstancia de que había algunha nai dentro do instituto e plantexou por que non facíamos intervención con nenos afectados. Pareceunos boa idea», añade este catedrático que ha publicado más de unta treintena de libros y manuales sobre la materia.
Para ofrecer esa asistencia se crea la asociación, aunque su recorrido dependerá del respaldo que tenga la iniciativa y de las familias que se asocien. La idea es ofrecerles servicios de diagnóstico, intervención psicoeducativa, inserción laboral y actividades de ocio y tiempo libre. «Pensamos ofrecer o de diagnóstico porque realmente hai moi poucos sitios que o dean. Ata agora, que tamén o empezan a facer no CHUO, había que ir a Vigo ou A Coruña. A intervención psicosocial e educativa terá diferentes sesións semanais, dependendo das necesidades dos rapaces e en función dun programa chamado PEP, que é un método psicoeducativo funcional», aclara Manuel Ojea..."

Wednesday 10 May 2023

Saturday 29 April 2023

Protocolo de acceso aos estudos universitarios dos estudantes con Trastorno do Espectro Autista: Novas perspectivas

Protocolo de acceso aos estudos universitarios dos estudantes con Trastorno do Espectro Autista: Novas perspectivas


A investigación psico-social e educativa na área das Persoas con Trastorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) avanzou de forma significativa, na que se refutan empiricamente novos principios nucleares da conceptualización do trastorno e, en consecuencia, é preciso considerar os novos presupostos básicos baseados nos modos do procesamento perceptivo-cognitivo do fenotipo particular das persoas con TEA (Ojea, 2023).

Friday 7 April 2023


Comparative differential study of comorbid symptomatic groups associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis

Manuel Ojea Rúa, University of Vigo

Prof. Dr. Psycho- Pedagogy

(34) 630189639

PhD. Pyschology

Lydia Castro Núñez, University of Vigo

MEd Biology. Doctoral student. of University of Vigo.

Lourdes Rivas Otero, University of Vigo

(MEd Psyco-pedagogy. Doctoral student of University of Vigo)

Tania Justo Román, University of Vigo

MEd Music- therapy. Doctoral student of University of Vigo.


Individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) make up a diagnosis characterized by a multifunctional neurocognitive disorder, based on a limited structure to perform nodal-synaptic interrelationships between the contents of learning. Likewise, this disorder may be associated with a set of comorbid symptom groups, which, regarding their intensity, may border with ASD main diagnosis and lead to basic errors that affect subsequent social- educational treatment. This study analyses most recurrent associated comorbid groups, as well as, if the presence of symptomatic comorbid groups is differential regarding group shape: normotypical and ASD groups. A total of 390 children participated in this study, 128 belonged to normotypical group and 262 did it to experimental group, subdivided into three levels of ASD. Results found through multivariate- test indicate that the whole dimension significantly affects group way intersection, age and sex (sig: .00). The post-hoc test analysis indicates this influence was      differential regarding to the group type for the following dimensions: cognition, behaviour, psychoaffectivity, language and psychomotor disorder, while relative differences were not observed in specific- clinical dimension, where only epilepsy showed a differential result: no differences were found in general- clinic dimension.

Lay abstract

ASD´ diagnosis and treatment shows, to date, many weak points that need to be improved. Previous studies have shown how important is the psycho-educational component regarding ASD treatment, therefore it is necessary to understand the specific characteristics of the nuclear ASD diagnosis, in order to work out a specific therapy according to every single case. 

In the current study, we examined and analysed ASD patients as well as participants showing comorbid symptoms such as epilepsy, in order to show how these comorbidities can reach a very high level, leading to a confused and wrong ASD nuclear diagnosis. 

Therefore, it is essential to gain more insight into the specific diagnosis process, defining the ASD symptoms very precisely in order to develop more accurate and specific educational programs. 

This study contributes to the improvement in ASD diagnosis, providing a large number of participants in order to study the relation between several comorbid symptoms and its reliability as ASD indicative factors or not.


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